How do I deactivate my 8,9 or 10 digit UPI number?

To deactivate your 8,9 or 10 digit UPI number:

  1. Tap your profile picture on the PhonePe app home screen. 
  2. Tap UPI Settings under the Payment Management section. 
  3. Tap UPI Number
  4. Tap the 3 dots next to the UPI number you want to deactivate.
  5. Tap Deactivate and then, tap Proceed

Important: Once this is complete, you will not be able to receive UPI payments made using your 8, 9 or 10 digit UPI number on PhonePe and other payment apps. 

See also:
How do I activate my 8,9 or 10 digit UPI number again?

How do I deregister my UPI number?