What if the order or booking is not confirmed for a successful payment?
If the merchant fails to confirm your order or booking, we request that you contact them directly for an update.
While PhonePe takes complete responsibility for any payment-related issues, the merchant on whose app you placed your order or made a booking will be better placed to resolve any order-related or booking-related issues.
For example, if a PNR number is not generated for your IRCTC ticket booking within 20 minutes from the time of payment, IRCTC will initiate a refund to you within 2 days. You will receive a refund based on the payment mode you used:
UPI - 3 to 5 days
Debit/Credit Cards - 7 to 9 days
Wallets - 24 hours
Learn more about refunds for failed or cancelled orders/bookings or merchant payments.