Other issues

Please select the error you are seeing while trying to login: 

Too many login attempts

You will see this error if you have tried to login too many times unsuccessfully.

You can try again after the time shown on your login screen, or you can try after 24 hours. 

To login using OTP, 

  1. Enter your 10-digit mobile number. 
  2. Tap Login with OTP
  3. Enter the OTP you receive to login successfully.
Something went wrong

You will see this error if, 

You are yet to update your PhonePe app to the latest version. Please check for the Update option in your Playstore or App Store. 
Note: If you have no app update available, please clear cache and try again. 

Check your internet connectivity and try again. 

Entered wrong details

You will see this error if, 

  • You have not entered the latest OTP that you have received. 
  • You have entered an invalid mobile number. 
My issue is not listed here

If your issue is not listed above, you can create a ticket with us as follows: 

  1. Tap Contact Us. Enter your PhonePe registered mobile number, and tap Next.
  2. Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number.
  3. Tap Unable to use PhonePe.
  4. Tap Unable to Login/Register.
  5. Share more details about the issue you’re facing. 
  6. Tap Send.